The official trailer for Samaritan shows off Sylvester Stallone’s superhero coming out of hiding. The film features the three-time Oscar nominee as a retired superhero being dragged out of his reclusive life when he befriends a young boy, named Sam played by Euphoria and Umbrella Academy star Javon ‘Wanna’ Walton, who is shocked to learn that Granite City’s vigilante hero survived the fire that broke out after his climactic battle with his rival, Nemesis, 20 years ago. The film was helmed by Overlord director Julius Avery from a screenplay by Escape Room scribe Bragi F. Schut, and the rest of the cast includes Pilou Asbæk, Moises Arias, Dascha Polanco, and Martin Starr, who plays Peter Parker’s teacher Mr. Harrington in the MCU Spider-Man films.
Samaritan is a film that has been long awaited by curious fans of both Stallone and original superhero projects. It was originally slated for a theatrical released in December 2020, but production was shut down by the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing major delays. It was then believed that it would be coming to theaters in 2021, but it was eventually announced that it would become a Prime Video streaming exclusive due on August 26, 2022, making it one of the final delayed 2020 films to make its way into the market, after the release of the other pandemic-delayed holdouts Top Gun: Maverick and Minions: The Rise of Gru.
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Prime Video released the official trailer for Samaritan. The opening of the trailer presents Stallone’s character as a retiree and junk collector, though his secret life is quickly revealed. As he watches the city fall apart around him due to a severe crime wave, he finally steps in to stop Sam Cleary from being attacked, revealing his powers. To his frustration, the boy sticks around, pulling him out of his shell and discovering his true identity in a manner that is both adorable and action-packed, including a gruesome scene of his bones re-setting after being hit by a car. Check out the trailer below:
Although this will be the first original character that Stallone has played in the superhero genre, the actor has had plenty of experience in the realm before. Most recently, he has appeared as King Shark in The Suicide Squad and Stakar Ogord in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (a role he will reprise in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 as well). However, the consummate action hero also held the title role in 1995’s Judge Dredd.
From what can be seen in the Samaritan trailer, it seems that Stallone’s new character’s power set includes enhanced speed and agility, super strength, resilience to bullets, and a healing factor. Other than the latter two, this isn’t much different from the action heroes the actor has played in the past. However, that is part of what makes the movie so intriguing, because it blends the popular tropes of the superhero genre with a darker action movie tone more suited for late-period Stallone.
Next: Everything We Know About Sylvester Stallone’s Samaritan
Source: Prime Video
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